Easy management of knowledge assets any time anywhere
A robust and scalable Knowledge Management Portal designed to assist organizations in gathering, analysing and sharing data across their user base, that can help them improve various businesses processes.
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Take a look at top features
Login Profiles
Due to changing job roles and shift in responsibilities for an employee in Customer Service, VKnow enables user to select and change login profiles.
Knowledge Type
VKnow allows users to choose the most favourable format among 4 types- Info text, Decision tree, FAQs and Files for any search query.
Search Bar
A dynamic search bar by Violet enables users to search information in a brink of a second by fetching quick results.
Other Tabs
VKnow offers two key interfaces: Training to access the content and User support to aid users regarding challenges while using portal.

Why do you need VKnow in your Company?
To stay ahead of competition, a best way is to work cleverly with considerations of innovations. Improves effectiveness of communication in the organization, encourages cultural change, improvement in business decision making, etc are the reasons defining the importance of VKnow (Knowledge Management System).
How does it help?
VKnow provides a platform to organisations to store knowledge assets and utilize them as and when required for transferring knowledge to their employees.
Aids in accessing information at any time and anywhere
Enables sharing of knowledge with employees
Helps in protecting the knowledge and information assets
Provides instant resolutions

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