Retain your people with ease/ Retain and upskill your people
VTest facilitates management and delivery of assessments, tracking of users performance. VTest proves to be flexible and a scalable platform for knowledge assessment on variety of topics.
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Take a look at top features
Structuring and Detailing
A well defined structure with descriptions is needed when it comes to assessment. VTest however covers assessment categories along with grouping.
Feedback and Certification
VTest offer a functionality of feedback after every attempt along with certification on the completion, so that users feel motivated.
Limited access for users
Limited time for every attempt, sequence locking and mentioning the number of attempts available are the highlights regards to users access.
Variety of Assessment
VTest offers multiple choice single select (MCSS), multiple choice multiple select (MCMS), scenario based choices and true / false.

Why do you need VTest in your Company?
VTest or Assessment Management System is required in an organisation as it measures the effectiveness of assessment administration along side it also enabling centralization and standardization of quality assessment questions. Apart from these, it is essential in reduction of costs and makes a certificate available for attendees.
How does it help?
VTest gives scoring of assessment that enables in recognising the users performance effectively.
Monitoring the progress
Enables simplification of process of documentation
Identifying the opportunities to improve performance
Helps in reaching multiple users without any geographical limitation
Maintains standardized assessment marking system

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